2009 AIA INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION | The Miami Chapter of Architects is pleased to announce the winners of the 16th Annual International Photography Competition (download information). The Chapter would like to thank everybody for participating in our annual Photography Competition. Hope you can join us again next year. Congratulations to ALL the winners! | SAVE THE DATE - NOVEMBER 21, 2009 - 6:00 p.m. GET READY! | AIA Miami Chapter Design Awards Gala and Student Exhibition at the MES Miami Event Space, 7620 NE 4 Court. Invitations will soon follow. | | Experience the atmosphere of Louis Poulsen at the Miami Yacht Club, 1001 MacArthur Causeway, Miami. November 5 – 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm – An 18.9” stainless steel PH Artichoke will be assembled at the event by a Louis Poulsen artisan. The luminaire will then be offered at a silent auction with proceeds going to AIA Miami-Scholarship Fund. RSVP Roxanne Hamilton at rhamilton@p-ls.com or call 305.444.8520. | Inaugural AIA Miami 2010 Travel Abroad CEU Program | | MIAMI CITY CEMETERY HISTORIC TOUR | November 13 – 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm – Miami City Cemetery Historic Tour, 1800 NE 2 Avenue, Miami presented by Dr. Paul George (two hours), Tickets are available for AIA members and students $20.00, non-members $30.00. Dr. Paul George's most popular tour! Get into the Friday the 13th spirit with Dr. George's haunted history tour. Lurk among the tombstones of this historic graveyard to hear stories about the mysterious deaths of the inhabitants. Visit the final resting places of early settlers, Miami's first mayor, the Burdine family and Julia Tuttle. Bring your flashlight and park inside the cemetery front gate. Dr. George will also point out some of the noteworthy Art Deco architecture in the neighborhood -- before it gets dark. A perfect way to celebrate Friday the 13th! For tickets go to aiamiami.com, call AIA Miami at 305-448-7488, or visit the AIA Miami office at 275 University Drive, Coral Gables. | PANEL DISCUSSION ON HISTORIC PRESERVATION: CHALLENGES AND REWARDS – November 10 | Actor’s Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre at 6:00 pm reception, 6:30 to 8:30 pm panel discussion and AIA Miami Continuing Education event. Speakers include John Fullerton, AIA and Richard Heisenbottle, FAIA, award winning Miami architects; Barbara Stein, producing executive director, Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre; Mayor Don Slesnick of Coral Gables; and Jorge Hernandez, architect, UM professor and trustee of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Fee $10.00 (CEUs will be offered to AIA members for an additional $25.00, $35.00 to all non-members. The discussion will include a case study of the Miracle Theatre public-private restoration project between Actors’ Playhouse and the city of Coral Gables, and discussions on several other past and current historic preservation projects. This special AIA Miami membership meeting is open to the general public. Contact AIA Miami at 305.448.7488 or www.aiamiami.com. | | The AIA Miami Chapter carries the AIA documents needed by all members of the construction industry. Visit www.aiamiami.com under category “documents” and select the ones you need for your project. For more information call 305.448.7488 or stop by our office, 275 University Drive, Coral Gables. |
 For more information on the events below please visit www.aiamiami.com or call 305.448.0448. - Nov. 2 – Free - Miami Dade College lecture by Mikael Kaul, AIA, Kendall Campus, 11011 SW 104 Street, Room K-413, 7 p.m.
- Nov. 4 – Free - University of Miami School of Architecture lecture Saving the Marine Stadium: Stewardship in Four-Part Harmony" by Professor Jorge Hernandez, University of Miami School of Architecture; Architect Hilario Candela, the original architect of the stadium in 1963; and Becky Matkov, President/CEO of Dade Heritage Trust. The panel will be followed by a reception and the opening of an exhibit of the University's student work during its study of the endangered site. The panel, reception and exhibit will take place in the Jorge M. Perez Architecture Center Glasgow Hall and Korach Gallery at 1215 Dickinson Drive, University of Miami Coral Gables Campus, at 6:00 p.m. The exhibition will remain open to the public through November 25th, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- Nov. 5 – Free - Coral Gables Museum Preservation Education Workshop Series - “Historic Designation Demystified” Panel Discussion, Coral Gables Commission Chambers, 7 p.m. Reception to follow. Reservations required. Seating is limited. Contact Christine Rupp at 305.910.3996 or chris@coralgablesmuseum.org.
- Nov. 6 – Free - AIA Miami Photo Competition Gallery Night Exhibition, Books & Books Coral Gables, 265 Aragon Avenue, 6:00 p.m.
- Nov. 6 – Free - University of Miami School of Architecture Canstruction design/build competition event in partnership with the Coral Gables Museum. 12 noon to 2:30 p.m. in the UM School of Architecture Courtyard and at the Coral Gables Museum 275 Giralda Avenue, Coral Gables. The charitable event allows the donation of cans of food and then the creation of structures made of cans. The cans are then donated to charity. For more complete information, please contact Brian Lemmerman, University of Miami, blemmerman@arc.miami.edu , 305-284-3439; or Christine Rupp at the Coral Gables Museum, Chris@CoralGablesMuseum.org, 305-910-3996.
- Nov. 6 – Design and Architecture Senior High Taste of Design and Creative Minds Event
- Nov. 6 – UM School of Architecture homecoming reunion and barbecue, 7:00 -10:00 p.m.
- Nov. 7 – Free - Bienal Miami + Beach opening reception, Miami Design Preservation League, 7:00 p.m.
- Nov. 9 – Free - Miami Dade College lecture by Rene Gonzalez, AIA, Kendall Campus, 11011 SW 104th Street, Rm. K-413, 7:00 p.m.
- Nov. 9 – Free - Walk on Water, Florida International University student design competition, 11:30 a.m. FIU-University Park, at the lake north of the library.
- Nov. 10 – Free - Florida International University lecture by Christine Dunn, PCA135, 5 p.m.
- *Nov. 10 – Historic Preservation: Challenges and Rewards, panel discussion Actors' Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre, 6:00 p.m. reception, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. panel discussion and AIA Miami continuing education event. Speakers include John Fullerton, AIA, and Richard Heisenbottle, FAIA, award-winning Miami architects; Barbara Stein, producing executive director, Actors' Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre; Mayor Don Slesnick of Coral Gables; and Jorge Hernandez, architect, UM professor and trustee of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Fee $10. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be offered to AIA members for an additional $25, $35 to all non-members. The discussion will include a case study of the Miracle Theatre public-private restoration project between Actors’ Playhouse and the city of Coral Gables, and discussions on several other past and current historic preservation projects. This special AIA Miami membership meeting is open to the general public. Contact AIA Miami at 305-448-7488 or www.aiamiami.com. Limited seating.
- Nov. 11 – Free - University of Miami lecture by Robert Davis, New Urbanist, 6:00 p.m.
- Nov. 12 – Free - Coral Gables Museum lecture by Hal Wanless, UM geology professor, 285 Aragon Avenue,7:00 p.m.
- Nov. 12 – Opening of Festival of the Trees competition and display, Coverings Showroom, 7610 NE 4th CT, 6:30 p.m.- 9:30 p.m.
- Nov. 13 – AIA Emerging Professionals/YAF Monthly social event and mentoring mixer, 7:00 p.m. “Toast a Ghost” following the AIA Ghosts of Miami City Cemetery Twilight Walking Tour led by Historian Dr. Paul George. Location: Bin 18, 275 NE 18 Street, Miami. RSVP aiamiaep@gmail.com.
- Nov. 14 – Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables 2009 Coral Gables Homes Tour, a tour of five historically and architecturally significant homes. A limited number of tickets will be sold. Tickets for the noon to 4:00 p.m. tour only are $30.00, Patron tickets, including refreshments and a 10:45 a.m. to noon lecture about the five homes on the tour by Miami architect, UM Professor and National Trust for Historic Preservation Trustee Jorge Hernandez, followed by the homes tour are $50.00 each. (download information).
- Nov. 14 – Free - Kay Witte New Green Lecture, MBM Showroom, 6 p.m. reception, 6:30 p.m. lecture.
- Nov. 14 – Free - AIA Miami International Photography Competition Exhibit, Miami Art Cinema
- Nov. 16 – AIA Emerging Professionals/YAF intern development/mentoring seminar, 7:00 p.m.
- Nov. 17 – Lecture by Max Strang, AIA, on environmental modernism, University of Miami Jorge M. Perez Architecture Center, 6:00 p.m.
- *Nov. 18 – Miami Dade College Lunchtime Lecture by Luis E. Trelles, AIA, Kendall Campus, 11011 SW 104 Street, Room 2114, Noon.
- Nov. 18 – University of Miami/U.S. Green Building Council of Miami/Keys lecture and meeting, Eco-labeling for LEED Projects, 6:00 p.m.
- Nov. 19 – Architects for Humanity/Committee on the Environment Happy Hour at Greenstreet’s, Coconut Grove, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
- *Nov. 19 – Free - University of Miami lecture by Allan T. Shulman, FAIA and Faculty Contributors Launch Book at the Glasgow Hall, University of Miami School of Architecture; with Allan T. Shulman, FAIA as editor. The book includes faculty authors Rocco Ceo, Jean-Francois Lejeune, Aristides J. Millas and Carie Penabad. Alumni contributors include Valerie Grassetti, Christina Miller, Karen Scheinberg, Kara Wood and David Woshinsky. The copy editor is Andrea Gollin. 6:00 p.m.
- *Nov. 20 – Free - Coral Gables Museum hard hat tour, 7:00 p.m. RSVP required. RSVP Christine Rupp at 305.910.3996 or chris@coralgablesmuseum.org.
- Nov. 20-21 – Deans of the Americas Conference.
- Nov. 21 – 55th Annual AIA Miami Architecture + Design Gala Design Awards & Student Exhibition at Miami Event Space in the historic MiMo District. 7610 NE 4th Court, Purchase tickets through AIA Miami.
- Nov. 22 – Free - Marine architecture guided tour of the Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines’ Oasis of the Seas, Port Everglades, Ft. Lauderdale, pre-registration required. SOLD OUT
- Nov. 23 – Free - Miami Dade College lecture by Roney Mateu, AIA, Kendall Campus, 11011 SW 104 Street, Room K-413, 7:00 p.m.
November 3 5:30 pm - AIA Regular Board meeting at our office, 275 University Drive, Coral Gables. November 5 5:30- 7:30 pm - AUGI Miami Chapter Meeting, Topic: Cut Revit Content Management Costs and Increase Productivity - Presented by James A. (Andrew) Arnold currently serves as Product Manager, AEC/O SmartBIM Solutions for Reed Construction Data. AIA Miami Offices, 275 University Drive, Coral Gables, FL Click here for more information or to register. November 10 5:30 pm – BEC (Building Enclosure Council) meeting. “Anti-Terrorism and Blast Mitigation in Aluminum Glazing Systems” by Timothy B. Counts, AIA, CSI, CDT, the Architectural Sales Representative of YKK AP America, this presentation will focus on protecting the lives of building occupants from man-made threats, which has become a design requirement for military, government, and public buildings; meeting will be held at the AIA office, 275 University Drive, Coral Gables. RSVP to info@B-E-C.info November 9, 10 & 11 Revit Architecture Essentials Training - Learn the key concepts of Autodesk Revit Architecture and get an introduction to building information modeling and the tools for parametric building design and documentation, through hands-on activities. Utilizing best-practice methodologies to resolve real-world design scenarios; students assemble a small project, progressing through schematic design and construction documentation, before finishing with design visualization. At the end of this exciting course, students will be well equipped to complete their first Revit Architecture project. Call 305.445.6480 or click here for additional information. Also ask about the Autodesk Assistance Program and DDSCAD Special Reduced Prices available with proof of Unemployment (some exceptions and restrictions apply). November 12 Revit Rendering & Presentation - Learn the processes for creating compelling illustrations and renderings with Revit. Through hands-on examples, students learn how to present an architectural piece using real-world illustration techniques unique to Revit, tweak camera views, create soft shadows, tweak materials and lighting, and create compelling renderings using the mental ray engine inside of Revit. At the end of this course students will be armed with the skills to develop winning presentations. Call 305.445.6480 or click here for additional information. Also ask about the Autodesk Assistance Program and DDSCAD Special Reduced Prices available with proof of Unemployment (some exceptions and restrictions apply). DISCLAIMER AIA Miami doesn’t assume any legal or other liability for the assurance, completeness or usefulness of any services or information associated with any other website or the services or information offered. Thanks to all our sponsors and supporters for their generous help throughout the year. This weekly email is a service provided to our members, supporters and public at large through the generous help of 3D Design and Mobius Interactive. If you wish to unsubscribe, please click on aiamia@bellsouth.net and let us know. | |